Contributions To The Research Project

1)  I conducted a research on our team’s project. Our research is based on robotic arms with scanners. 

2) I have researched in different types of robotics arms, Articulated robot arm, Cylindrical robot arm, Delta robot arm, Polar or Spherical robot arm and Scara robot arm and describe each robotic arms in details.

3) I have researched on the advantages of using a robotic arm and further described in details.

4) I have come up with a proposal of replacing human activity with Articulated robotic arm to reduce human errors.

5) I have researched on the benefits of using an Articulated robotic The benefits are improved accuracy, reduce mental and physical strains on worker, able to do tedious and manual tasks, picking up of items, sorting out of items and packaging of items.

6) I have researched on Autonomous Mobile Robot(AMR). 

7) I have researched on the Manipulator and described the component functions and uses.

8) I have researched on the machine Algorithm and described the component functions and uses.

9) I have researched on the Machine Vision and described the component functions and uses.

10) I have come up with an idea of integrating the machine vision and machine algorithm into the manipulator.


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